Laura's Hardbody Fitness

IFBB Figure Pro * Personal Trainer * Nutrition Specialist


If you would like to share your testimonial, simply use the form below and share your experience with me.

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  • "Laura, by far was the best trainer I have worked with.  She gave me tough workouts and held me accountable.  The results were more than I even thought possible.  Miss you here in Maryland, Laura.  Best to you."  - Judy
  • "Before I started working with Laura, I had plateaued on size 12.  I worked out all the time and dieted constantly, but no matter what I dd, I could not lose weight and get to a size 10.  I came to Laura with a request to get me to a size 10, and within a month I was there.

When I reached this goal, I set a new goal-to get to a size 8-and then, haveing reached that, I was determined to get to a size 6.  Within 3 months, I was at size 6, half the size I was when I first started working with Laura.  I remember standing in the dressing room and trying on every pair of pants Lord and Taylor had in size 6, just to be absolutely sure that I really was that size - I could not believe that I have not only achieved but exceeded my original expectations.  I really cannot thank Laura enough for giving me the motivation, the strength, and the direction to succeed in acieving my goals!" -Helen Ostrovsky

  • "I hit a wall in my weight loss and muscle building program.  Laura got me thinking, eating and working out.  I lost an additional 10 pounds of fat, added more muscle and won my first bodybuilding competition trophy.

Laura has the cutest most radient smile when you do something right, very nurturing and sweet.  Thank you Laura!" -Neal Ruchman

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